So, this past weekend the plan was to do a century and then make it back to Fort Collins and grab some drinks and play games all night. I had a rough night Friday and Caley and I basically weren't motivated to leave around 9am when we planned to so by the time we actually left it was 1030am. Megan, Jamie, Caley, and myself head off. Seriously within 18miles we had stopped 3 times. All minor fixes, but it wasn't looking good.
The Day started out cold so the usual layers were packed on. It was probably within 30minutes of leaving the day changed to be amazing. All the layers came off and the sun shone. We headed to Masonville, through Glenn Haven to Estes, CO. There was a head wind basically the whole way up 34 and through Glenn Haven.
We took the route via Carter Lake which on this day probably was the prettiest I have ever seen it. There were no cars around, sun shinning and of course we were riding. This ride was a much needed relaxer. I realized that just going out for rides with your friends and just enjoying everything around you and forgetting all the things that often overwhelm your everyday life is very i
Jamie was hilarious the night after our ride. We ended up playing games until we decided that we needed ice cream which meant that we rode our bike to the store. On the way back Jamie crashed (not bad) right outside of her house...Caley and I some how ate a whole pizza between us, some chile, and apple pie with ice cream. It was a good time. Pending on the weather next weekend I might do another long ride but flat to start my long slow base.
This upcoming week, starting Monday November 1st, is the start of my training year. Base miles begin Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of every week is going to be cross and weight training, and Wednesday/Friday will ba base miles as well. I have decided that I will be taking riding more serious when it comes to training. The past season (MTB 2007) I didn't train at all.
Till next time, enjoy, be safe, and always live life to its fullest.